Crystals and Stones…
have been used as a tool for healing purposes for thousands of years, assisting and creating a higher frequency for the Earth and all that that live upon it. Both Crystals and Stones go through extreme change and pressures deep underground; formed from heat and fiery gases they rise to the surface by the irresistible forces of tectonic plates on the Earths surface. Each forms a unique shape, color and frequency.
Pinks and Peach carry the essence of unconditional love and resonate with the heart chakra and the planet Venus. Excellent emotional healers, they overcome loss and promote forgiveness and universal love. [Rose and Strawberry Quartz, Pink Sapphire, Pink Flourite, Pink and Watermelon Tourmaline, Rhodonite, Danburite, Bustamite, Kunzite]
Reds and Orange resonate with the root and sacral chakras, and planet Mars, energizing and initiating action. They heighten libido and stimulate creativity. Red stones can be used for hemorrhage and inflammation. [Carnelian, Sedona Stone, Red Jasper, Red Jade, Garnet, Lepidocrosite, Ruby, Red Tiger’s eye, Red Tourmaline, Zincite, Sunstone, Orange Calciet, Tangerine Quartz, Orange Zircon]
Yellows, Creams and Golden work with the Solar Plexus and the mind, balancing emotion and intellect. Used to help with jaundice and disease of the liver, and are great at reducing seasonal depression. Gold stones are associated with wealth and abundance. Yellow stones resonate with the planet Mercury and the Sun. [Golden Healer Quartz, Citrine, Mookaite Jasper, Yellow Kunzite and Jade, Amber, Beryl, Yellow Sapphire, Chrysoberyl, Golden Calcite, Golden Tiger’s eye, Sulfur]
Greens resonate with the heart chakra and Venus, providing emotional balance and compassion. These stones relieve disease of the eyes and can help improve vision, by mimicking the color of nature. [Malachite, Aventurine, Green Agate, Chrysoprase, Jade, Emerald, Peridot, Moldavite]
Green-blue and Turquoise resonate with higher levels of being, stimulating spiritual awareness. Turquoise stones are said to connect to cosmic consciousness, instilling inner peace and relaxation. They work the third eye chakra, uniting heart and intuition. [Turquoise, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Chrysocalla]
Blue and Indigos resonate with the throat chakra and are excellent for self expression. Indigo connects you to the highest consciousness and the depths of space. [Azurite, Blue Quartz, Lolite, Dumortiertie, Indocolite, Kyanite, Scapolite, Blue Howlite, Lapis Lazuli, Afghanite, Sapphire, Sodalite, Blue Jasper, Blue tiger’s eye, Blue Obsidian, Angelite]
Purple, Lavender, and Violets resonate with the crown chakra, the planet Jupiter and multidimensional realities, drawing spiritual energy into the physical plane and encouraging service to others. [Auralite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Lavender Quartz, Fluorite, Lavender-pink Smithsonite, Tanzanite, Purpurite, Lepidolite, Violet Spinel, Sugilite, Purple Tourmaline]
Browns are connected to the Earth and cleansing purifying energies. They ground and protect by absorbing noxious substances and induce stability, associated with plate pragmatic Saturn and transformative Pluto. [Petrified Wood, Stromalite, Smoky Quartz, Rhodozite, Ammolite, Agate, Aragonite, Boji stones, Bornite, Bronzite, Desert Rose, Chrysanthemum Stone, Brown Jade, Brown Jasper, Rutilated Quartz, Tiger’s eye, Cats’s eye, Serpentine]
Black, Silver and Grays entrap and transmute negative energies, working as detoxifiers. Black and Gray Stones are associated with planet Saturn, while Silvers are associated with Mercury and the Moon.[Shungite, Tourmaline, Obsidian, Black Jade, Black Sapphire, Jet, Onyx, Black Opal, Hematite, Shamanite, Silver Obsidian, Labroadorite]
Whites and Colorless carry the vibration of pure light resonating with the higher crown chakra and the Moon. They purify and heal the biomagnetic sheath and radiate energy out into the environment. [White Phantom, Starseed, Sugar Blade and Milk Quartz, Diamond, Apophyllite, Anhydrite, Clear Calcite, Clevelandite, Barite, Iceland Spar, Chalcedony, Halite, Dalmation Stone, Moonstone, Magnesite, Menalite, Opal, Mother of Pearl, Selenite, White Sapphire]
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