Why 108 Beads?

108 is the Universal number of unity and wholeness; the distance between the Earth and the Sun and Earth and the Moon = both are 108 times the diameter of the Sun and Moon. The mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci, after whom the Fibonacci sequence was named after, believed this number represented the wholeness of existence. The Anahata Chakra, located at heart center is known to have 108 energy lines leading to joy and compassion.

I started making these stretch bracelets for fun when Covid shut our lives down and led us into isolation. I used these beaded stones as a tool to stay creative and help guide me in my meditation. I began using specific colors and stones to manipulate the chakra energy center I wanted to activate or balance, though most of the time, there was no thought process other than matching my outfit 🙂 I wear a stretch bracelet around my wrist everyday, and after many peers, friends and family complimented and asked where I’d purchased them I decided to create a few to share with others.

I am not a big manufacturer and cannot guarantee quick delivery, though I can assure each bracelet is handcrafted with love and thoughtfully sequenced with a variety of genuine beaded stones based on your preference. No two bracelets are ever the same and hanging charms are sold separately. Prices vary from $55 and up, depending on stones, spacers and charms chosen. One Size Fits All! And can be worn as a necklace.

Additional stone and color sequences are available. Click here to learn more about various stones/crystals and their healing properties.

To start your order today Email: AzilRoseYogaandPilates@gmail.com

Purple Haze
Green Goddess
Moon Child
Where Water meets sky
Strawberry Fields
Pumpkin Spice
Fall-ing into Place
Bumble Bee
Peaceful Dreams
Red Rose
Starry Nights
Final Harvest

*Each stone has a unique look and no two bracelets are the same. No full refunds are given after a bracelet is created and delivered. Partial refund may be considered.*