Yoga Inspired

Vrksasana/ Tree Pose
Health Benefits: Stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders. It builds strength in the ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles. The pose also helps to remedy flat feet and is therapeutic for sciatica.

Nataranjasana (King Dancer/Lord of the Dance)
Health Benefits: Calms the mind by teaching to maintain grace and poise while facing challenges, Improves balance and digestive system.
Advanced Nataranjasana/ Standing Mermaid versionThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is upsidedown-1.jpg Aerial Yoga- Natarajasana
Utthita Hasta PandangusthasanaB
Health Benefits: Relieves Anxiety, Strengthens Nervous System, Help w/Digestive disorders, Improves Focus
Malasana – ‘Yogi Squat’ stretches the thighs, groin, hips, ankles, and torso. It tones the core and improve colon health. This pose also increases circulation and blood flow in the pelvis, which can help regulate sexual energy.
Variation of Malasana & Baddha Konasana Pose ‘Balancing ButterFly Pose’ – Stretches the feet, tones the legs, opens the hips, strengthens the core, develops balance.
Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel)
Health Benefits: Strengthens Lungs, Improves Hormone and Nervous Systems, Increases Hip Flexibility, Reduces the onset of Osteoporosis
Advanced Urdhva Dhanurasana (Half-Wheel)

Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) Health Benefits: Cures Constipation, Improves kidney, liver and pancreas functions, Releases back pain, Helps w/Asthma, etc.
Muscles Involved: Chest, Core, Arms, Legs, Back and Shoulders, Chest muscles
Eka Pada Galavasana- ‘Flying Pigeon’ pose ‘strengthens the shoulders, wrists, arms and core, and stretches the hips and legs. The pose can also help to improve balance and stimulate the digestive organs. Approach this pose with caution if you have any hip, knee or wrist injuries.
Vrschikasana – Scorpion Pose- strengthens back, torso, legs, forearms and shoulders. Expands and stretches diaphragm. This asana improves your stamina and helps to get rid of excess belly fat and tones your arm muscles.
Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend)
Health Benefits: Stretches and strengthens the spinal cord and legs. Helps alleviate sciatica. releases the groin area. Calms the mind.
Hanumanasana ‘Monkey Pose’ -Splits Pose- Deeply Stretches Thighs.  Requires opening in both the hamstrings and the quadriceps. Opens the Hip Flexors. Deepens Body Awareness. . Develops Perseverance. Helps Develop Patience in the Practice.
Parivrtta surya yantrasana, also known as Compass Pose. This pose is unique in which it challenges your balance while strengthening the spine and opening and stretching hips, shoulders, and hamstrings. Straps and blocks help modify each pose.
Sarvangasana ‘Shoulder Stand’ – Do not perform if you have high blood pressure or shoulder, neck, spinal problems. Benefits include headache relief, stimulates thyroid and prostate gland. Stretches shoulders and neck, tones thighs and buttocks. *Modification- place the palm of your hands onto your back, by the spine. Distribute weight between shoulders and elbows*