
“Liza is an excellent instructor who makes yoga enjoyable and challenging at the same time — all at your own pace. She mixes up the sequences and routines for each class, keeping them interesting so you are always doing something new and working all parts of the body (and mind). Best hour of the day – I always feel great after one of Liza’s classes!” –Lorraine Sileo

“Liza Torres of AzilRoseYoga offers an array of classes appropriate for yogis of all abilities. Her classes are thorough and varied, tailored to those attending. Always a positive part of my day.” – Carol Hutzelman

“On my own personal healing journey, yoga became my main source of self discipline, connecting with the mind, body, and spirit, and truly has opened my heart to a whole new world. Liza became one of my teachers and inspired me to continue learning more and more, not only just about yoga, but about trust, and about meditation. She also has been one of my role models on and off the mat. We grew an incredible bond; a friendship I wholeheartedly believe saved my life, changed my perspective on life all around, and Liza is overall well rounded, knowledgeable, and soothing to the soul. Her dedication makes her unique and most of my healing is thanks to her! Take her classes. Become her friend. And open your heart to new beginnings! Namaste🧘🏼‍♀️”-Krista Salinardi

“I seriously can’t say enough wonderful things about Liza. Besides really introducing me to my meditation practice, Liza takes me on adventures every time we meet on our mats. She has such a kindhearted and dedicated practice that her classes come straight from the heart. She is gentle, and very informative, but also knows when to challenge us and what we need to work on most. She has really given me insight on ways to continue my practice on and off the mat. I am truly thankful to have formed such a beautiful relationship with Liza, and know you will be too. I highly recommend you take the time to practice with Liza, online, in studio, or privately. She is phenomenal!”- Jackie Bryant

“Liza is a great instructor and teacher! I’m always willing to drive where ever she is teaching because I know her classes are the best!” – Matthew

“Liza is everything you want in a yoga teacher. Very knowledgeable and makes each class feel personal. She understands what my body needs. Great energy and positive vibes for your day. I always look forward to my next private class and growing my practice with her 🙏 ”- J.T.

“Liza’s yoga classes are imaginative & paced just right for optimum stretching & body-shaping. She provides variations on poses to meet the needs of all student’s abilities & skill levels.” –S.Warfield