Stop. Listen. And Breathe With Me…

‘Prana’ is beyond the breath and more like a permeating life giving force, while ‘yama’ means ‘control’. Prana-yama is the regulation of the breath through certain breathing techniques and exercises. When you’re able to control your breath, you’re able to bring the mind and body into balance to create harmony. Your nervous system is controlled by supplying oxygen to the lungs which in turn transports it to the cells necessary to activate the hypothalamus in the brain, improving its function. The hypothalamus activates the pituitary gland, and is responsible for regulation of emotions, temperature, thirst, hunger, sleep, and the endocrine system where your hormones are stored.

Learning to breathe through life’s events increases an overall high quality of mental and physical health. It clears the mind of confusion and draws clarity. It’s only when the mind is clear of old patterns and ‘stories’ told that you can hear the inner voice that brings peace and truth. Whether you’re celebrating a joyous occasion, experiencing physical pain, mental anguish or grief, driving to work in traffic, receiving shocking news, etc., prana-yama teaches the nervous system to operate effectively for a maximum quality of life. Your Life!

Enjoy these FREE videos and learn to Breathe with me.

Box Breath creates an even breath and can be increased to 6-6-6-6, 8-8-8-8, and so on.

Sama Vritti Pranayama/ Box Breath/ Equal Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing is known to purify the subtle channels of mind and body to create harmony.

Anuloma Viloma/ Nadhi Shodhana Pranayama/ Alternate nostril Breathing

Ujjayi Breath creates inner heat, boosts vitality, and strengthens lungs.

Ujjayi Pranayama/ Victorious Breath

Sitali Breath is said to control thirst and hunger, and to reduce fatigue, bad breath, fevers and high blood pressure.

Sitali Pranayama/ Cooling Breath

SitKari Breath can help decrease hyper-acidity in the intestines and be beneficial for good oral health.

SitKari Pranayama

There are many forms of breathing techniques and ratios to draw energy, balance and calm. To book a fully guided private live virtual class, email

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